Sex and Intimacy Coach | Somatic Therapist

“Anthony's facilitation was gentle, thorough and inclusive. I learned so much in such a short time and was left feeling full and content.”

Find out more or book your free 15 minute initial phone call with Anthony.

  • 1:1 Somatic Coaching

    A one on one, private coaching session to delve into your erotic world, styles, problems or curiosities. Sessions are typically 90 minutes.

  • Partnered Sessions

    Couples, Throuples and Polycules are complex! Bring yourselves into harmony in a guided partnered session. Explore and practice tools in a safe environment to build upon your foundations.

  • Long Sessions

    Combining knowledge from their wealth of training, Anthony takes you through a longer session - roughly 2.5-3 hrs of combined bodywork, meditation, coaching and installation. Pure bliss!

  • Group Experiences

    Do you have a team of people who work closely? Somatic team building is a fun and light way to engage outside your workplace and build working relationships. This service is individually tailored and focuses on consent, communication and boundaries. Enquire!

Cert. Sexological Bodywork | Cert. Lomi Lomi Heartworks & Ancient Healing Principles | Cert. First Degree Usui Reiki | Adv.Dip Performance (Acting)

Anthony Severino is a Certified Somatic Sex Coach with a background in theatre and performance. His multidisciplinary approach allows his clients to have engaging and creative bodywork sessions which are grounded in profound change. Growing up queer in Sydney, he is very connected to the community through social and professional avenues and has always been passionate about working with and creating space for queer folk, gender non-conforming folk and trans folk. 

He specialises in queer health and education, sexual intimacy and movement practices. 

Anthony is available for individual and partnered sessions, welcomes folk with diverse and anarchistic relationship configurations, gender and sexuality expressions.